Photo by Brendon Spring

The Demanding River by Cheryl J. Corriveau

A very straightforward, proactive, and ambitious woman, Jordan Harris can easily be said to possess an entrepreneurial spirit. 

Whilst working on a national real estate franchise, she finds herself tangled. Caught up in several conflicts with the new CEO heading the whole enterprise. During all this, a boat dealer from South Florida proposes a business partnership with her to set up a second location for his business somewhere in Central Florida.

Though interested in the notion, she ultimately declines…

Fast forward to six months later, she has left the real estate business and is now in the throes of opening up her own boat dealership. 

Although she might be a seasoned businesswoman, having dealt with a diverse range of folks in the real estate business, the boat dealership is a different jungle altogether. For one, none of her prior experiences have adequately prepared her to deal with the challenges and problems she will have to face and overcome. Secondly, it’s a very male-dominated world. Thirdly, there’s more under the surface in this business than it lets on.

The challenges she faces run the gamut: stolen boats, boat show troubles, drug smuggling suspicions, accusations of fraud, state finance issues, and a Mafia connection.

If it isn’t apparent already, all these, if they stick, would lead to massive jail time for her. 

Will Jordan and her business survive? 

Take the journey of a woman’s fight for her dream on Cheryl J. Corriveau’s The Demanding River.

One Woman’s Struggle for Her Dream

Photo by Delfina Iacub

The Demanding River is an exhilarating tale of resilience, grit, and the unyielding spirit of an entrepreneur. We meet Jordan Harris, a woman with energy and fire for independence. Trapped in the stifling confines of a corporate real estate job, she clashes with a domineering CEO, yearning for a career that would reignite her passion. 

The seed of a dream is sown when presented with the opportunity to partner in a boat dealership venture.

Intrigued by the glistening hulls and sun-drenched waterways, Jordan takes a leap of faith, leaving the predictable world of real estate behind. However, the idyllic image of a boat dealership soon shatters as reality sets in. The unforgiving world of the marine industry, a domain ruled mainly by men, proves far more challenging than Jordan had ever anticipated.

A Woman’s Fight: Challenges

The story of The Demanding River delves into the myriad challenges she encounters. Each day throws a new curveball, from stolen boats and unexplained deaths to navigating the complexities of significant boat shows like Fort Lauderdale and Miami. Unfounded accusations of drug smuggling, lawsuits stemming from fraudulent acts by others, and even the threat of legal trouble from alleged Mafia connections cast a menacing shadow over her fledgling business.

As if these weren’t enough, Jordan faces the ever-changing tides of the legal landscape. New federal and state boating regulations demand constant adaptation, adding another layer of stress to her already overflowing plate. But Jordan is not one to back down. 

The very elements that threaten to drown her business—the demanding nature of the industry, the unexpected roadblocks—will ironically become the fuel that propels her forward.

A Woman’s Fight: The Demanding River

Corriveau masterfully portrays the unforgiving power of nature, too. Hurricanes, ice storms, and droughts become external forces mirroring the internal turmoil Jordan battles. With each obstacle, her determination strengthens, and her entrepreneurial spirit burns brighter. This interplay between personal resilience and the challenges of the natural world creates a captivating narrative.

The looming question throughout the novel is: Can Jordan’s dream survive? 

A Woman’s Fight: A Masterful Portrayal

The Demanding River is more than just a story about starting a business. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome adversity. Jordan’s journey inspires anyone who has ever dared to dream beyond the confines of their current reality. The novel is compelling for those who enjoy tales of strong female leads, the thrill of entrepreneurial ventures, and the captivating boating world.

Corriveau’s vivid descriptions bring the characters and setting to life. Readers can practically smell the salty air and feel the spray of the waves as they navigate the challenges alongside Jordan. 

Photo by Lize-Mari Jooste

With its captivating plot twists and well-developed characters, The Demanding River is a novel that will keep you turning the pages until the very satisfying conclusion.

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